Synodical Women's Organization

About Us

The North Carolina Women of the ELCA

The North Carolina Women of the ELCA support events and services for congregational expressions that meet in some 200 ELCA congregations across North Carolina. These congregational units (CUs) gather in groups (circles) for study, advocacy, service and fellowship. Much of the work of the statewide organization is done through its committees. These committees meet twice yearly at Committee Day events. Contact us if you are interested in serving at the state level. For more information about our committees, read on.

women elca
2024-2025 Board Members

President - Terri Brown

Vice President- Robin Stuart

Secretary- Anita Miller

Treasurer- Debra Weinel until January 31, 2025

 Treasurer- Nena Babb beginning February 1, 2025

Board Members- Karen Birkedal

                             Lorri Monterose

                             Karen Overcash

                             Rosie Schieber

                             Patty Schmid

                             Marguerite Taylor

                             Lori Schaefer

NC Women of the ELCA Synodical Committees


Justice is faith in action. It includes serving God in ways that bring healing and wholeness to the church, the society and the world. Women of the ELCA justice initiatives include combating commercial sexual exploitation, human trafficking and supporting people with special needs. It advocates for racial and cultural equity through our anti-racism training and our cross-cultural programing. It educates and advocates for justice, non-violence and peace; promotes global awareness; and encourages ecumenical understanding and outreach. Some projects supported by the NC SWO include: Lutheran World Relief, World Hunger, combating racism and human trafficking, environmental stewardship and helping women and children in crisis. This committee serves as a resource for service opportunities and lifts up special projects that promote justice and and hope.


Discipleship is a lifelong journey of living out and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Women of the ELCA participants practice the seven marks of discipleship: praying, studying, worshiping, inviting, encouraging, serving, and giving. The NC Women of the ELCA discipleship is lived out through opportunities for spiritual education and growth such as: retreats, Bible studies for Conference Gatherings, devotions, coordinating the Women’s Theological Seminar and encouraging personal faith development. The committee coordinates the Young Women Guests program at the synodical gathering and programs to encourage the participation of middle school and high school age girls, updates the Footsteps to Leadership manual, provides leadership training and conducts delegate orientation at the Annual Synodical Gathering.


Stewardship is a careful and responsible management of the money, property, and resources that God has entrusted to us. This committee encourages and equips women to consider their responsibility and capacity for stewardship and faithful giving. It seeks financing in creative ways such as grants and educates women in life-long financial and end-of-life planning. It will manage and encourage giving to our scholarship programs. Another focus of this committee is to aid our congregational units in drafting and updating constitutions and is responsible for updating the Synodical Constitution with amendments by the Synodical Women’s Expression and as mandated by the Churchwide Women’s Organization.

Conference leaders

This committee is led by the Conference Coordinator who is appointed by the NC SWO President and is a member of the NC SWO Board. Other members include conference leaders elected by their individual conferences. They include the conference Presiders, Directors of Communication, and Treasurers’ Assistants. Together they plan conference events and activities. The presiders, along with an NC SWO president-appointed Nominating Chair, serve each year as the Synodical Expression Nominating Committee.

Gathering Program Planning

This committee plans the annual NC SWO Gathering, beginning immediately at the close of each year's gathering. This committee works to secure and coordinate the gathering site, presenters, programs and worship. It plans the agenda and the extensive GPR (Gathering Program Report). It works with the site to coordinate lodging and meals for participants. It works with the host conferences to coordinate their assistance. A comprehensive gathering evaluation is created by this committee to collect information the newly elected Board uses to make decisions about the next gathering.

NC WELCA Conferences

The conferences are:

  • Alexander/Iredell
  • Blue Ridge Mountain
  • Cabarrus/Stanly
  • Catawba
  • Central
  • Mecklenburg/Union
  • North Coastal
  • Northern
  • Rowan
  • Salem - merged with Central
  • Sandhills
  • Smoky Mountain
  • South Coastal
  • Southwestern
  • Triangle